1. Sound and Movement - Baltic Orthodoxy
1: Journey through Setomaa (1913), Estonia Film Tartu. Ethnographic film about Setumaa. Views of Petseri Monastery. Peasants working in the fields, rye cutting, ...
Sound and movement play an immensely important role in Orthodox religious life, from cross processions around churches to zealously crossing oneself, from sonorous singing during the holy liturgy to the fervent words of preachers in churches, schools, and beyond. In this section, we present rare archival video footage from across the twentieth century, portraying various moments in the sacred lives of Estonian, Russian, and Seto Orthodox.
2. [PDF] The WoRlD of ESToNIAN FIlM
Of greatest interest are his film portrayals of Estonian places, e.g. Retk läbi Setomaa (A Journey. Through Seto Country, 1913). Drafted into WWI, Pääsuke fell ...
3. [PDF] Richtlijn Behandeling van Patiënten met een Schisis | NVMKA
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4. Baltic Films on DVD - criterionforum.org
22 dec 2011 · Historical Remembrances of Estonia's Past (1913), intertitles in Estonian only 3. Journey Through Setomaa (1913), w/o intertitles 4 ...
Quite recently Eesti Filmiarhiiv sent me a collection of nine Estonian short films (which were digitally restored for the centennial of Estonian film in 2012) from 1912-1914 by Johannes Pääsuke, who is considered to be the father of Estonian cinema.
5. [PDF] Facing modern times : the revival of Japanese Lacquer Art 1890-1950
15 mrt 2024 · reference in the literature, in catalogues or museum archives (see Appendix II). The earliest references appear to date back to 1913. In ...
6. [PDF] Biosynthesis of germination stimulants of parasitic weeds Striga and ...
To quantify mRNA levels in the roots of transgenic maize plants in the T0 generation, a transcript-specific ... I was not alone on my PhD journey. I owe ...
7. The Dialects of Wales - Amgueddfa Cymru
29 mrt 2011 · An example of the dialect of the Swansea valley in West Glamorgan. Cecil Lewis of Morriston was born in 1913. Transcript. Odd rai'n myn' i ...
8. [PDF] The Enduring Mission of Moses - Utrecht University
20 sep 1982 · Nabi Musa Munajat is also available in Arabic version: Van Ronkel 1913:307. ... the Javanese text of the Story of the Prophets, the man who ...