The call of the mountain
- by Sammy Barker
As was indicated alongside the surprise announcement of Firewall Ultra earlier this week, PSVR2 titles are beginning to pop up on the PS Store. While you can’t technically pre-order yet – the headset doesn’t even have a release date beyond early 2023 – you can add First Contact Entertainment’s tactical shooter and spin-off Horizon Call of the Mountain to your wishlist. Ooh-err!
Sony’s rollout of PSVR2 information has been, well, strange to say the least – but we know that the device will be playable for the first time at the Tokyo Game Show later this month. That means we’re days away from getting first-hand impressions on the device, and hopefully it opens the floodgates for more coverage as we waddle towards the end of the year.
Will you be adding either of these titles to your wishlist, though? Let us know, as always, in the comments section below.
[source, via]
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About Sammy Barker
As the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.
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Comments 30
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- AdamNovice
"as we waddle towards the end of year" guess we now know how Sammy walks.
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- Shepherd_Tallon
And just like that I've forgotten about that other thing we were all tying ourselves in knots over.
PSVR2 has me more excited than I was that Christmas we got Duck Hunt.
Gaming gods be with the days when all we cared about was new games and not streaming services or what CEOs say.
@AdamNovice 😂😂
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- dschons
I'm a VR fanboy and I can't effin wait for PSVR2 to come out.
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- zupertramp
Honestly the rollout hasn't been strange, it's just been... Sony.
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- MattSilverado
I've to say PSVR2 seems to hit all the right notes, except for being wired... can't get it. I've had the PSVR almost at launch, then sold it a couple of years ago when Quest 2 lauched (got one on pre order with the money from PSVR) and aside from other technical benefits, being able to play wireless is just another level. I do aknowledge the benefits of wired solution, be it less cost, less weight of the device and unlimited playtime (no battery), etc... BUT... still can't get it.
Anyway I'm all in day one.
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- invictus4000
Adding them all! I need this device NOW!
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- invictus4000
@MattSilverado I hear ya on the wire initially being a bummer but to be honest its a massive plus in the end. The one other benefit of the wire you didn't mention is the most important one and the very thing that can potentially make it the best VR headset yet: processing power. Because of the wire it can fully utilize the power of the PS5 instead of needing to cram its own horsepower into the headset itself.
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- MattSilverado
@invictus4000 well, yes, I don't know the tech stuff behind it but it may be very possible that Sony opted for a wired solution because it's 100% predictable both on bandwidth and stability of the connection. Even if Sony could ship a propietary wireless solution, maybe there are other issues that may affect the quality of the experience. I'm pretty sure that "has to be wireless" was a top priority on Sony's wishlist when designing the hardware/ecosystem, so there must be a couple of very good reasons out there.
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- lacerz
I was fine with a wired PSVR. I’ll be fine a wired PSVR2. I’m just excited about the next level in PSVR. Absolutely loved my original.
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- CVCubbington
Does it come with a free year’s worth of electricity?
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- gollumb82
I would wishlist PSVR2 and/or the games but my wishlist has some other stuff on it, like heating for autumn/winter, bills paid on time, higher mortgage. I bet the price of PSVR2 alone will cover the heating issue (especially when scalpers buy most of the stock).
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- SrpskaArtilerija
PSVR 2 sounds nice, I would surely want to get it if by some chance Valve announces Half Life Alyx for the platform
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- B80
Never used one apart from a qust I thibk, that someone brought into the office 3 years or so ago. Was impressed at how immersive it was.
Really looking forward to this and will definitely be pre ordering... hopefully won't have same sourcing issues as tge console.
See this as a potential game changer for video games as the tech develops. Adds another dimension in terms of immersion, enjoyment I imagine.
Would be great if gt7 supports this, but there's no news on that front, so I'm not holding my breath.
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- thefourfoldroot1
True next gen is coming, finally!
So excited for this. Won’t be wish-listing anything until I know I’m able to get a headset though. Dreading stock shortages.
On a wishlist related note - am I missing something, or is it not possible to wishlist DLC? I’ve never bought DLC before, but am waiting for the Kaito Files to hit a reasonable price.
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- Bez87
@MattSilverado but the graphical power of the quest 2 isn't great.
Its a double edged sword, you cant have the power of the ps5 inside a headset without a wire.
The tech isn't quite there yet and/or to expensive, you'd be technically streaming the games over, if it was wireless.
I guess to keep wires out of the way you could in theory have the wire on a hook on your ceiling. This way instead of a wire coming down onto the floor you could have it going up and out the way. At least the floor would be wireless hahaha
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- MattSilverado
@Bez87 I use the Quest 2 as PC VR… both wireless and wired (for example with racing sims as you don't move around) . Quest2 is an incredible device for it's price, even using it as a "VR console" is already good... As you say the graphics are not high quality because it's very much like a smartphone level SOC... But then when used with a PC, it's mind blowing. Thing is, what type of hardware do you need on the PC to run with great experience... I have a rtx 3070 also from launch day and it's not enough to deliver native panel resolution for quest2, so literally I stopped playing like 18 months ago (not even a 3090 can deliver)... I'm waiting the release of the new GPUs later this year so I can play with the intended resolution (the difference is quite striking). So, I do think PSVR2 is amazing because the hardware in PS5 is good enough to provide a decent experience (mainly because it's a closed platform+ foveated rendering)... And that idea of having the wire coming from above is good, I like it 😅, at least not going to step on the cable is nice.
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- TheDarkSide
@dschons Me too. VR pulled me out of a jaded phase I was going through years ago and I'm ridiculously excited to get my hands on PSVR2.
I keep emailing Amazon, 'Have you sent it? Is it on its way"?!!
They haven't, because I can't order it yet, but I just want them to know how badly I want it. 😂😂
.... I'm expecting to receive a restraining order any day now. 😂
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- dschons
@TheDarkSide It's a totally different way of experiencing games as opposed to the more gimmicky features we've seen over the years and I wish more people would see it this way. I've had people here try it out and they were like: Well, it's something different I guess.
Baffles me how you can't be amazed by it, haha.
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- TheDarkSide
@dschons Absolutely, mate. VR was always the gaming dream and, as an older gamer, I honestly didn't think I'd see it in my lifetime. Not done so well at least.
Hell, even PS VR Worlds title screen blew me away first time I saw it. And don't get me started on Resi! Absolutely amazing!
Honestly can't wait, and I hope PSVR2 succeeds so we have years of great gaming experiences to look forward to. 👍
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- dschons
@TheDarkSide RE7 and Astro Bot Rescue Mission are the best gaming experiences of my entire life, enough said. They even beat my fondest childhood memories with other games. Obviously, they're not the best games overall but the overall experience is second to none.
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- Robocrop_Duster
It would be kinda nice Sony if you didn't wait until the last minute to reveal if this thing can or can't utilize backwards compatibility with PSVR 1.
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- Grumblevolcano
@KaijuKaiser I think the Activision acquisition is why both Sony and Microsoft are being very quiet on the announcements front (no Playstation Showcase yet and Game Pass lineup being a lot smaller for most of the year compared to previous years).
If Sony does an amazing showcase the regulators may interpret it as "Sony will be fine even if Microsoft completely blocks Activision games given Switch is a massive success yet only got Crash and Spyro from Activision". Meanwhile if instead Microsoft showcases a very strong upcoming Game Pass lineup the regulators may interpret it as "If Microsoft gets Activision they'll be a monopoly".
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- Agramonte
Amazing. Next hardware on the list.
I really want an Anime style VR game. I can finally play games that look like an Anime movie, now I want to be in it.
Come on Sony, Make my childhood dreams real.
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- Art_Vandelay
@MattSilverado That's exactly it. Right now, there's no tech that can meet all the requirements for mass consumer wireless VR over streaming: zero latency, 100% consistency and reliability, 4K bandwidth and last but not least, affordability.
Sure, Quest can do that, but the experience varies wildly according to one's wi-fi. Heck, it varies even in wired PC VR mode, according to one's USB adapter or cable.
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- Art_Vandelay
It has to be said: PSVR2's success in solely hinging on whether GT7 will fully support it or not.
"Success" meaning "day one purchase for me".
Jokes aside, GT7 and Alyx could be key to the device's adoption rate.
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- MattSilverado
@Art_Vandelay I'm a pretty handy guy with PC and gaming and stuff (I game since late 80s, and I work as a computer programmer)... I even had the very first 3d accelerators on PC (not GPUs back then), the Voodoo, Rendition V1000, etc... so I'm not scared of a tweak here and there to play my games... BUT configuring PCVR/Quest2 ... oh dear!!!! So yes, better have it sorted out and smooth as it can be by Sony ; )
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- Art_Vandelay
@MattSilverado Ooh, kindred spirits!
I started in the mid 80s with the Atari 2600, but really became obsessed with games when I got the longing Sega Master System in the early 90s. Also work as a computer programmer and also had the incredible Voodoo back in the day, followed by the TNT2 Ultra made by that startup NVidia. In fact, before those, I had owned the very first 3D accelerator called the Matrox Impression Plus as well as its successor, the Matrox Millennium.
But these days, I just don't have the bandwidth for PC gaming, you know... And that's why I'm so excited for PSVR2.
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- Sanctanox
My bigger concern is not to miss to preorder the hardware of PSVR2 day 1. I hope it's not like on PS5 lauch day. I had a 5 minute window at 2 o'clock in the morning to order one.
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- MattSilverado
@Art_Vandelay good times those! I was so jealous of SNES and megadrive owners 🤣... Anyway my favourite genre was (and still is I would say) adventure games (aka point and click)… and that was absolute exclusivity of PC platform.
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- KidRyan
@AdamNovice All waddling makes me think of is how a duck or human baby/toddler walks, lol XD.
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