Crocodile Songs for Kids to Sing Along with a Crocodile Puppet or Plush Toy – Funstra (2025)

Crocodile Songs for Kids to Sing Along with a Crocodile Puppet or Plush Toy – Funstra (1)

  • Post dateMay 9, 2022
  • In Crocodiles

Children can play, dance and sing along with their crocodile toys to these fun catchy tunes about crocodiles. With some classic Australian songs like, ‘Crocodile’ from Don Spencer, traditional nursery rhymes like ‘There was a Crocodile’, to new nursery rhymes like ‘Five Crocodiles went Swimming One Day’, these crocodile songs are sure to delight and entertain preschoolers and children, both young and old.

These entertaining crocodile songs are great to help children develop confidence, enhance motor skills and communication as they role play and perform along with the music with their cherished crocodile stuffed animal. A song can be an enjoyable and amusing way for children to have their crocodile puppet sing along to the song lyrics as they practice and develop their puppeteer skills.


Crocodile is a cute song for preschoolers created by the Little Baby Bum – Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs channel on YouTube, featuring fabulous animation that will keep little ones entertained and singing along.

Can you see the bubbles popping… 1, 2, 3?
Look out! There’s his snout. Is that? Could it be?!
Yes, it’s a crocodile!
Look at his big smile
He’s got lots of teeth
He swims in the water, just like he ought to
Sometimes hides underneath

Can you see the rushes bending… 1, 2, 3?
Look out! There’s his snout. Is that? Could it be?!
Yes, it’s a crocodile!
Look at his big smile
And short little legs
His belly scrapes the floor as he walks on all four paws
Stomping as he treads!

Can you see the bubbles popping… 1, 2, 3?
Look out! There’s his snout. Is that? Could it be?!
Yes, it’s a crocodile!
Look at his big smile
He’s got a talk so long
And thick scaly skin as sharp as pins
He’s very strong!


Don Spencer is an Australia children’s songwriter and guitarist and sings the children song titled, Crocodile, which amusingly tells us all about the risks of swimming in the Australian outback with crocodiles and their wonderful smiles. Kids will love to sing along with their favourite crocodile puppet or stuffed animal and perform the catchy crocodile tune.

If you’re ever out in the Australian outback,
And you’re feeling hot and sticky.
I don’t suggest you go for a swim,
‘Cos it could get rather tricky.
That log you see, floating in the river,
Isn’t what it seems to be.
That log my friend is a crocodile –
It’s no place for you or me!

Crocodile you’ve got a wonderful smile,
And I must admit I kinda like your style.
You’ve got a beautiful skin and an affable grin,
But I don’t want to swim with a crocodile!

Crocodile, you make a wonderful mum,
So very gentle with your young.
Your mouth’s a great place to put them in
When you want to take your babies off for a swim.
But though I can see you’re an ever loving mother,
As sweet as sweet can be.
I’ll keep giving the same advice
To anyone who’ll listen to me!

There was a Crocodile

There was a Crocodile is a fun children’s song that features lots of animals and the sounds that each animal makes. Children can sing and dance, performing the actions with their crocodile plush toys and puppets. The Learning Station channel on YouTube offers popular children’s camp songs, brain breaks, action, dance and animal song for kids with the aim to provide healthy music for a child’s heart, body and mind.

There was a crocodile,
an orangutan,
a flying eagle
and a slippery fish.
A bunny.
A beaver.
A crazy elephant.
Na na na na na na,
na na na na na na.

There was a chomp chomp,
an orangutan,
a flying eagle
and a slippery fish.
A bunny.
A beaver.
A crazy elephant.
Na na na na na na,
na na na na na na.

Five Crocodiles went Swimming One Day

The five little crocodiles is a nursery rhyme about these little crocodiles who went swimming.

Five crocodiles went swimming one day
Down at the river where the crocodiles play
Mummy crocodile said chomp come back
But only four crocodiles came back

Four crocodiles went swimming one day
Down at the river where the crocodiles play
Mummy crocodile said chomp come back
But only three crocodiles came back

Three crocodiles went swimming one day
Down at the river where the crocodiles play
Mummy crocodile said chomp come back
But only two crocodiles came back

Two crocodiles went swimming one day
Down at the river where the crocodiles play
Mummy crocodile said chomp come back
But only one crocodile came back

One crocodiles went swimming one day
Down at the river where the crocodiles play
Mummy crocodile said chomp come back
But no crocodiles came swimming back

No crocodiles went swimming one day
Down at the river where the crocodiles play
Daddy crocodile said chomp come back
And all the crocodiles came swimming back

The Crocodile Song

The Crocodile Song was created by HeyKids – Nursery Rhymes channel and YouTube and features some of the most beautifully animated nursery rhymes and songs for kids.

Once a crocodile, set off to fight a battle
Taking his sword, he waved his kids goodbye
Off through the dust to join his worthy comrades
Wagging his tail in search of elephants

Oh, the cro-cro-cro, the cro-cro-cro, the crocodiles are
Marching to the Nile to find an elephant to fight
Oh, the cro-cro-cro, the cro-cro-cro, the crocodiles are
Marching up and down to get their rival in their sight

Walking along they sang their battle songs
Chomping the words with lots of shiny teeth
If you could see them walking there so proudly
You wouldn’t want to be their enemy

Oh, the cro-cro-cro, the cro-cro-cro, the crocodiles are
Marching to the Nile to find an elephant to fight
Oh, the cro-cro-cro, the cro-cro-cro, the crocodiles are
Marching up and down to get their rival in their sight

Oh, the cro-cro-cro, the cro-cro-cro, the crocodiles are
Marching to the Nile to find an elephant to fight
Oh, the cro-cro-cro, the cro-cro-cro, the crocodiles are
Marching up and down to get their rival in their sight

Out of the blue, the elephants were waiting
They couldn’t wait for the battle to begin
Poor crocodile! It’s better to start running
Into the Nile, a great time for a swim!

Oh, the cro-cro-cro, the cro-cro-cro, the crocodiles are
Marching to the Nile to find an elephant to fight
Oh, the cro-cro-cro, the cro-cro-cro, the crocodiles are
Marching up and down to get a rival in their sight

    Crocodile Songs for Kids to Sing Along with a Crocodile Puppet or Plush Toy – Funstra (2025)
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    Name: Madonna Wisozk

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    Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.